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"Rocky " poster divided into three categories, the first one is the outcome of Rocky and Adrian hug picture, which is in line with the schedule prepared for Valentine's Day. The second is the Lodge stood before dawn raised his hands in the picture, is the third largest poster, which is the most profound memories Xiaohu : Rocky standing in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art cry. During the promotion, leading Xiaohu and Natalie, both the full taste of Hollywood style, with Natalie 's words: Babyliss curl secret accompanied each year worldwide filming, released as tourism, like large sheets insight.

February 13 this day, Xiaohu, Natalie and all Lodge cast, the main actors came to Los Angeles in a theater, this theater is all released "Rocky" the largest -scale theater can accommodate 5oo passengers, a pedestrian arrival when the movie has started playing, the audience staring at a big screen is not made ​​, the opening is babyliss curl familiar with the sport of boxing, the movie for just the right color is in place, giving a slightly sad, slightly helpless feeling, yellow yellow, full of traces of the years, combined with the lens messy Philadelphia street, nike roshe run people feel Rocky 's heart has numerous scars.

And Adrian 's brother Pori is his opposite. Movie continues playing as Xiaohu might expect, the audience saw in the first half of the film is trivial life began boring or, worse, began to leave the theater, when babyliss perfect curl left quietly muttering mouth, like in expressing their dissatisfaction, babyliss perfect curl think will waste time in such a dull movie that did not make sense. After the boss, someone left Stallone looking around in a circle, very disappointed with the sound on the side of Xiaohu said: babyliss perfect curl Is not fail ? http://ssradio.com/audio/


