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Shi Jun and rustling at first shocked, then they invariably face was red again, they exclaimed in unison : What did you say ? Looked after each other, Shi Jun and rustling is said in unison : Zhang Lintao, you can not talk nonsense ! I and he ( she ) is not the montre longchamp kind of relationship you want ! Zhang Lintao amused, he smiled and said : Haha, Shi Jun brother, sister-in-law rustling Babyliss two would not have denied it. Look babyliss curl two so there is a tacit understanding how the couple could not it?There is a tacit understanding for people who have a couple of requirements ? Who is required ? Uh...... this...... Shi Jun and Zhang Lintao was rustling repeated questioning, to ask not know how to answer. At this time, walking in front of Fred turned round, dissatisfied with the sentence shouted at them : Hey, lounged in the back of the three babyliss curl what ? Only three stops discussion trot to keep up with Fred. Rustling curious to ask : Fred teacher, babyliss curl it is going to go where ?

What is even...... ? Exclaimed shocked rustling up : the place, but a hotbed of Warcraft ah ! It is said that where the threat of death lurks everywhere, and every year there are a lot of adventurers and mercenaries team dead on the inside, so will win a title jungle death ! Babyliss curl secret Destination turned out to be the death of the jungle ? It will not be too dangerous ? Zhang Lintao this is actually not at all nervous, he even smiled and comforted rustling said: Oh, do not worry, as long as Fred teacher around, babyliss curl there will be dangerous.

Although the death Minamiarai jungle next to the county, but from the remote hamlet south go there, but still have to spend seven days. In this seven-day period, Shi Jun trio have not been idle. Fred grudge against babyliss curl three different attributes - Shi Jun vindictive property is wood line, the rustling grudge property is river, and Zhang Lintao grudge property is the fire department - to pass on to the babyliss curl trio vindictive practice different methods. Died in the jungle and go on the road, demanding oversees babyliss curl have carried a grudge practice hard every day.


